See how much cash might be available to you
You may be able to access up to
without a loan or monthly payment
Now, let’s see how much it will cost
Your initial estimated home value from above: 25.
(1) Includes original amount accessed
Aspire’s gain or loss reflects Aspire’s share of your property’s change in value from a risk-adjusted “Starting Property Value” established at the beginning of your agreement (equal to appraised value minus 15%). Aspire’s share is based on the amount of home equity you access at the beginning of the agreement, i.e., the size of your Initial Cash Payment. Aspire’s share % increases over time during the agreement, and it is calculated as follows: Aspire multiplies your Initial Cash Payment (reflected as a percentage of your home’s appraised value) by the “Investor Multiple.” The Investor Multiple varies depending on when your HEI terminates—the multiple starts at 3.0 for agreements that terminate in Years 1, 2, or 3, increases to 3.75 for agreements that terminate in Years 4 or 5, and increases to a maximum of 4.50 for agreements that terminate during or after Year 6. Let’s take an example: if your Initial Cash Payment equals 10% of your home’s appraised value at the beginning of the agreement, and the agreement terminates in Year 5, Aspire’s share % would be 37.5% (10% x 3.75). At termination, Aspire calculates your agreement’s settlement price by applying Aspire’s share % to your home’s change in value, using the risk-adjusted Starting Property Value mentioned above.
We make it easy to check your eligibility and apply
- Instantly see your home's eligibility and how much cash you can potentially access
- You don’t need a perfect credit score to qualify: 660+
- Dedicated reps are ready to answer questions and help you through the process

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